Excel Machine Tools International Taper to Morse Taper milling machine attachment


Excel Machine Tools International Taper to Morse Taper milling machine attachment

  • Changing from International Tapers to Morse Tapers

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EAN: N/A SKU: Excelmachinetools-4-150-000 Category: Tags: ,



Excel Machine Tools International Taper to Morse Taper milling machine attachment

Model Imperial Metric
30 INT External 2MT Internal 4-150-000 4-150-001
30 INT External 3MT Internal 4-150-050 4-150-051
40 INT External 2MT Internal 4-150-100 4-150-101
40 INT External 3MT Internal 4-150-200 4-150-201
40 INT External 4MT Internal 4-150-300 4-150-301
50 INT External 3MT Internal 4-150-400 4-150-401
50 INT External 4MT Internal 4-150-500 4-150-501
50 INT External 5MT Internal 4-150-600 4-150-601